Maximizing Profitability Through Real Estate
“Every healthcare provider should have representation in any (real-estate) transaction they're involved with. A minor mistake in a commercial real-estate transaction is worth tens of thousands of dollars, a larger mistake can easily be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
- Colin Carr
Connecting Healthcare Providers and Life Science Reps
“Physicians want to meet with people who have news about products that matter. We want to make sure they’re meeting with the right person with the right products.”
- Jeremy Gilman
Recalling Employees After Coronavirus Restrictions
“In a perfect world everybody would be breaking the door down at the employer to come back to work, they’d want to return to work, they’d want to get back to doing what they were doing…but that’s not the case.”
— George Hlavak, Esq.
Managing Chaos
“Go back to the notion of team building. It’s a must in any process, especially in healthcare.”
— Helena Farabella, CMM, HITCM-PP
Maintaining Healthy Habits During a Health Crisis
“We are given this huge opportunity to look at our healthy lifestyle and think about the things we can do to maintain our health - to maybe improve our health.”
— Dr. Frank Rasler
Improving the Patient Experience by Increasing Patient Engagement
“You want to think about the patient and patient preferences in combination with sets of best practices.”
— Lea Chatham