PAHCOM | Tools Tips

Assorted clips to help members make the most of tools and resources included with Physician/Admin membership.

Karen Blanchette Karen Blanchette

CEUs | Remove Certificate Password

You need a password in order to download your CEU Certificate. But then you still need it to open the certificate and so does anyone else you submit it to. We recommend you remove the password right after you download it. Here's how.

Most PDF software will have an option to set, change, or remove a password. I'll show you how I do it with "PDF Expert" software.

"Adobe Acrobat" is more popular and very similar. Here's a link -

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Karen Blanchette Karen Blanchette

Education Calendar | Navigate to events

My favorite way to find CEU events and the resources associated with them including CEU Certificates, Video Recordings, and Submitting an event for CEUs to be posted to the calendar.

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