Pay it forward and change the world!
The PAHCOM Academic Credentialing Program (ACP) facilitates quality educational institutions through professional association membership for students and coursework focused on industry best practices with a path to nationally recognized professional credentials. Thanks to the support of our generous donors, the PAHCOM Scholarship Fund covers the entire cost of certification exams for eligible graduates.
Donations Matching
PAHCOM will match your $1000 donation…. per donor per year. That means the difference you make is doubled!
100% of scholarship donations are awarded to graduates of programs focused on healthcare administration, medical office management, or health information technology for medical practices (ACP Schools).
PAHCOM Scholarships are awarded based on performance metrics.
The Scholarship Fund covers 100% of Certification Exam fees for awardees (CMM and HITCM-PP).
Awards are available for the top 10% of graduates each semester (or twice per year per school).
Top performing graduates are identified by their academic institution faculty.
Updated 240605 | Public