Susan Sample

I am an NSCC student just like you!

Keep my example page open next to yours so you can follow along.

I just clicked Join Physicians and Administrative Leadership (physician/admin) and this form popped up. Since it’s my first time on PAHCOM, I need to create an account.

You should now see the screen shown below. It knows I’m also here to join physician/admin membership, not just create an account, so it gives me a combined form doing both at the same time.

If you get an error re: “An account already exists for this email”, that means you have been to the PAHCOM site before and already set a password. You’ll need to log in before you can continue. There is a password reset option if you need it.

I need to enter payment information like the industry healthcare managers do (even though my card will never be charged because I am an NSCC Student and have a discount code). The discount code has to be entered so I don’t get charged. Do that now!

Your discount code is: ACP283-P

Once you click Apply, the code disappears but you can tell it’s working because now the balance is zero and there’s a gray box showing the code details. Once you see the zero balance, you can click the Continue button.

One more chance to review everything before my membership account is created. This summary looks good to me. I’m clicking the Subscribe button.

This is the confirmation screen telling me that I have successfully joined. It also confirms my payment terms. Since I applied the NSCC code and double checked the zero balance, I’m all set with my free membership.

Congratulations! If you followed me along the entire way, you are now a member of Physician/Admin. I look forward to networking with you and sharing knowledge in the community forum. I’m going to take some time to click around the menu and see what I can find. I know our NSCC instructors have a lot planned for us as well. Maybe I’ll see you in the CMM or HITCM-PP VIP area one day. Good luck!

Oh… one more thing. The next time you visit PAHCOM, you might not be logged in and the screen you see could look like this. If it does, just remember that you already have an account and sign in. “Already have an account? Sign in” That’s us!

 Updated: 230612 - Still need to edit the $19 to $24 in the images, and change the code to remove 2022 -klb