Health Care Office Management: A Generational Perspective

by Scott Lesnik

Physician practice management encompasses a lot and our patients are counting on us to run professional, well-staffed offices. From HR to revenue management and risk management; from technology and data management to marketing. The connection of multiple generations and open communications is essential to practice success and growth.
Did you know that Millennials are the #1 generation in the workforce?  

Boomers and Gen Xers are feeling the heat. They’re also trying to figure out what moves, motivates and matters to this dominant group. Consider this.

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Millennials are the number 2 generation in North America by population. Gen Z has 86 Mil.

Millennials are the number 1 generation in the workplace! Is your practice prepared to work closely with them?

Millennials have an enormous amount of buying power and are today/tomorrow’s leaders. They also have kids of their own! And, Millennials are doctors in all fields too!

Yes, they’re different than you and me and they’re supposed to be. To them, family extends and includes friends. The healthcare industry is surrounded by this generation!

And you’re possibly upset because these folks don’t want to put in “the time” like you did. Earn a place in the organization. They just want everything to happen quickly. Well, isn’t that how they were raised by Boomers? “You’re great, everyone is a winner and you ROCK!”

Today, Millennial’s work to live which means they have a big life outside of the four walls where they spend 8 hours a day. They desire “me” time which does not necessarily mean family time. Sure, some only work until 5 and punch out. However, millions work longer, work very hard and have massive college debt to pay off. Millions are living at home to pay this debt off.

Passion rules. They are passionate about the same things that matter to you and will discuss for hours topics that are important, in the news and of current interest at a moment’s notice. It ain’t always about money, possessions and status. They are open to ideas at work to grow business and retention. Are you?

As leaders, Millennials have made their way into management, love to start companies and yes, they often spend 3 years or less with the same employer.

Retaining good talent is important because you spend less time and money recruiting. To capture and have the possibility of retaining them, you can try these proven techniques. Techniques that are approved by young adults for 20-34 years old

1.     Be flexible. Time matters. Can they work from home? Or flexible starting and ending times.

2.     Their office needs music, ear buds and a personal touch. Are you okay with that?

3.     Training, room for advancement and meetings that last 15 minutes or less are very appealing. Money matters too.

4.     Remember, we all like a pat on the back. Millennials do too.

5.     They want to be leaders….and are in many different ways.

6.     Mentoring programs at work are beneficial for growth, providing you place the right sets of people together.

7.     They are NOT going anywhere, desire an up-to-date kind of workplace that includes great technology, challenging roles mutual respect.

Generation Z is also here and having a positive impact on healthcare offices. The oldest is 25. This generation is anxious and hard working. They are very entrepreneurial, grew up with smart phones, more diverse and accepting of others than previous generations. They like to find a job and stay put especially if your office offers opportunities to learn, grow and advance.

Every generation builds on those before them. Millennials and Generation Z are doing the same. It is the job of ALL of us to listen, talk, learn about each other’s workplace needs and goals and find common ground. Do this and you’ll have a powerful and talent team that will be the envy of many for years to come and help you manage and grow your health care business. Given reasons to stay, Millennials will not bail on you as quickly as you think! Give them a purpose. Show them the big picture. Gen Z tends to prefer stability and likes to remain at a job.  

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Scott Lesnik

Scott presents powerful keynotes and interactive sessions, webinars at 60+ events a year and is a consultant and author. He earned his CSP- Certified Speaking Professional from the National Speakers Association. Scott served as the Dean of the Academy for Professional Speakers in 2016-17. He is a graduate of The University of Miami, Florida. or


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